
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


I don't usually do this junk okay? But my friend's been pushing and this time is necessary. She's in probation this semester and if she doesn't boost up her GPA, she'll get kicked out of BYU and will have to go back to Peru. So she's in a communications class and she needs subscribers to her website. Her grade depends on how many subscribers she can get. If you could please go to the following link,

Once you're there, you just need to put your email address and you will get a confirmation email. If you don't get it, please check your junk mail folder. Click the link on the confirmation email and you're done! You don't have to visit the website again and you won't receive any spam. It will be very much appreciated.


Work Related Stuff.

I worked on 60 tickets out of Z today.
Sometimes I wonder what it is that they really want me to do to prove my capability.
I don't like training girls.
I really can't get along with girls.
I am really mean to people I don't like.
Sometimes even to people I like.
I make fun of everything.
But if you don't see the fun side of things, then you'd be bored.
I am always laughing at stuff.
It's good to laugh.
Even at yourself.

A girl I trained today said to me when I left Nice to meet you. Seriously? As in, for real? How can people like me when they first meet me? You have to get to know me to either hate me or love me. No middle points. I always inspire extreme emotions. You get to pick. But you really want to be on my good side. Because I don't like middle points either. I will either really dislike you or I will really like you. And if you're my friend, you know how that is. In one word... awesome! If I don't like you now, don't worry, I can switch that to like. And vice versa. You can make me switch it. It's been known to happen. And people I don't like at the beginning sometimes become my favorite people. Sometimes.


Anonymous said...

ya me suscribi a la pagina de tu amiga. y como estas? vienes a peru pronto?

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm not one of those girls you hate.