Currently listening: Shut up and smile by Bowling for SoupHow weird it is to see someone you met while he was on his mission out in the real world? Being a real person. And when you have to say Hi, it's the weirdest thing. What are you supposed to say? Hi, Elder? Hi, brother? Hey, you?
Anyway that happened to me today. Let me introduce you to my dad's favorite missionary, Elder Smith. My dad is the bishop in my ward, so he gets to know the missionaries pretty well. When I went to Peru for Spring/Summer '07, I met Elder Smith.

I didn't get to talk to him a lot in Peru. But why would I? He was a missionary. They are a totally different group of people for me. You can't befriend missionaries. You simply CANNOT. You should still be polite and nice, but you can't get too close to them. That's not right, assuming of course you're a girl.
Anyway, I was in the middle of an Accounting quiz today and I got a call. Some random number from Arizona that I had never seen. Arizona? I don't think I know anyone from AZ. I didn't answer because I was in the middle of my quiz. But I got new voicemail, and when I checked it... it was that same Elder Smith I met when I went to Peru about a year ago or so. I think he's been back for some months now. He's just 21.
I had a letter that some member in Peru gave my mom so I could give it to him, and he wanted to know when he could pick it up. I called him back and he didn't answer so I had to leave a message. That was really funny. And he called back, and it was so weird to hear him say Hey, Nadia. He had always called me Hermana. Anyway, he said he was gonna come in 10 mins. So I was waiting and then I heard a knock on our door. Jared went to open it. I heard someone say Is Nadia here? Wow, Nadia, again.
He came in. And I saw him. And I had that tiny decisive moment in which I didn't know what to say. I opted for the simple plain and totally correct Hey. No name, no title, no nothing, just Hey. It was safe. The curious thing is that it was not awkward at all after that, it was like we were always friends but not. If that makes sense whatsoever. I thought he was really shy when I met him in Peru, but he is actually really cool and outgoing. We could actually talk. I could actually be myself. And I don't really talk when I first meet someone. It was cool. Maybe we can be friends.
He's taking accounting too! So maybe we can be study buddies. I think I told him that. I need a study buddy for this next test that's coming up. So it'd be cool to actually study with someone. We'll see. Also, he'd forgotten we had a quiz due today and I reminded him on time (7.30ish pm) for him to go and listen to the lesson and take the quiz, so I did my good deed of the day.
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