
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

5 months left

Just 5 more months. Time goes by flying. I have been really pondering about it. And I think I have made my choice. I haven't really talked about it to anyone. I don't think a lot of people know. I guess it's probably time I give everybody an idea. I am 20 years old. I just barely turned 20. I still can't believe it. And well, I will be turning 21 next September. In my church, women go on a mission if they want when they turn 21. You can send your mission papers 6 months prior turning 21. And that date for me would be March 22nd. I am sending my mission papers in 5 months. That isn't as far away as it seems to be.

I know, Nadia Reategui wants to go on a mission? You probably thought all I wanted was to get married and have kids. Well, yes, that is my goal in life, but some time ago I promised the Lord I would dedicate my life to him. And my Patriarchal Blessing says I should serve a mission for the Church. My mom served a mission. I always thought I would serve a mission as well. Besides, marriage for me is not something that will happen in the near future. Not because I don't want to get married, but because nobody is interested in marrying me. Or even dating me for what's worth. Now, that is not the reason I want to go on a mission. I am not escaping. I know that going out on a mission for the wrong reasons would still give me blessings but I don't want to leave for the wrong reasons. I want to go. I've always wanted to.

I am willing to postpone my education for the Lord. He has given me all I have ever wanted. He made it possible for me to come to BYU and study for 2 1/2 years. I may have not made the best out of them, but I certainly have done a couple of things right. Like finally figuring out what I want to do, like getting a job I enjoy doing. Or making friends I can trust. Showing others my capability. Like letting people in. Getting out of my comfort zone. Like trying before I give up. Like learning the value of money because of the bad choices I have made. I feel like I'm ready. I am ready.

I still have 5 months to really think about it and decide if I should send my papers or not. But right now, I really want to go. I feel nothing could change my decision. Not right now at least. I am sure and I'm just sharing it. I still have to pray to get my confirmation, because my PB says that my bishop, my family, the Lord and I have to agree that going on a mission is the best decision. I don't think they'd tell me not to go. I have talked to my dad about it. He says that I have to really think about it and pray and receive revelation; but he says he would never tell me not to go. My sister, on the other hand, is not really happy with my decision. She doesn't think it is a good idea to leave school. I will convince her. I want to go. And in 5 months, we will see what I finally decided to do. Bear with me.