1. Facebook: I used to like it a lot. But when it had just basic stuff. All the applications annoy me. I don't even write on people's walls anymore unless it's urgent. And I hate that people write on your wall just to get you to reply so they can have more wall posts. Ridiculous. I just think it's getting too myspace-ish. And I don't think I ever got a myspace account. And if I did, I don't even remember how to get in and I really don't care. For instance, I was getting out of my HEPE class today and my friend bumped into one of her friends. They talked for a bit and then as they left, my friend said: "Good to see you. Facebook me!" Facebook me? Whatever happened to "Call me"? I still have a Facebook account but I haven't updated it in ages, it just kind of exists. And it helps people remember my birthday.

2. iPods: Don't get me wrong. I have an iPod video. And I love it. But it seems like everybody has one now. It's not as special when everybody has one. It just loses its prestige. I went to the restroom at the library and every girl that came out of there had earphones. iPod earphones. And I can definitely tell the difference between iPod earphones and regular ones. Do you really need to be listening to "Shake it" when you go to the bathroom? See picture. That's my friend's new iPod Nano. I'm starting to hate the little pink thing.
3. Sunglasses: I know it's sunny, people, but it's not like we have beaches here. I can understand you need sunglasses for driving, heck, I use them for driving, but we're not all Abercrombie models. It's even worse when you wear them even inside of a building.
4. Femi-guys: Do I even need to explain that? You're either hot or cold, enough said.
5. Computer games: Seriously, people come into the library to play crap like Starcraft? What is that all about? Last time I checked, you sort of study in the library.
6. BYU Football season: I have never been to any football game. Not that it really gets my attention, I think football is just retarded. They just throw a ball and jump on each other. Soccer is way better. And even though I would like to go to the BYU vs. U of U football game, that doesn't mean that every single saturday I am going to sit with a bunch of people in front of a TV and sporadically yell because someone scored. And then go to my Facebook account and update my status with something like: Go Cougs! The game was intense. The Hoskies were so close. I am amazed! Blah, blah, blah. And that's another con for Facebook, I mean, you don't have to update everything you do. Such and such is "hungry. eating a cheeseburger. going to sleep. going to take a shower. buying stuff." I don't need to know your whole life.
7. Sun: No need to hide that. I hate the sun. Round, yellow bright thing that makes you sweat and gives you headaches. I need some snow... as in right now.
8. Ugly Shoes: Some people really need to know what they're wearing.
To balance things, I will let you know a couple things that make me happy. Things that I am starting to like a lot.

9. A person: There's a person that makes me happy. I don't know why. It just so happens that seeing this person brightens my day, and I blame this person for the stupid smile on my face right now. I like to talk about this person... so much that my friend just really wants to kill me because I never stop. See picture.
10. A dream: I am a planner. I dream, I plan and then I try to make things happen. When I don't plan things, they don't go as well. Although, today, things went pretty well for not planning and just going for it. I miss it, what can I say? It felt like I was back in May. I couldn't help smiling. I'm still smiling. And I will probably have a very sweet dream tonight.
Those 2 things have totally made my life better. I hate 8 things but those 2 things just make me forget about them and smile and be happy. Life is good. And I have a whole year to keep taking advantage of my situation. I have to start the planning.
I got a calling. It's the coolest calling I've ever had. I don't know if I can say what it is yet, but it is for sure something that I will enjoy doing. I'll probably post what it is after this coming Sunday. You're more than welcome to guess what it is, unless you know it already, then it wouldn't be fair.
This is so cute. Makes me think of... you can fill that out.
aw cambiaste mi layout, so girlie i'm not that girlie but thanks! i like it! me olvide como era el otro pero ya no tengo listones!! >O
yay! ipods whateverrrr!!! cochinada me costo un monton y se ha malogrado. apple geniuses, no saben mas que mi tonteria malogradaaa, i want a replacementtttttttttt!!!!!!
jamba con granola
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