
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


I feel dumb. I thought what happened would be a good thing, but as soon as I stepped in, I just couldn't get myself to say anything. I stood there like a tree. A brown and white tree dressed in polka dots. I could only manage to say my name and my major. I felt so stupid. I don't think I will be able to manage it, not for a year. I wish I were working.

These are my roommates, from left to right, Aubrey Dillistone, Sarah Asp and Danielle Tuttle. They've known each other for like a year. I just met them here at Park Plaza. I can define them with only one word: Crazy.
Good crazy though, but crazy. They make me laugh all the time. They are always doing something funny. Aubrey is my roommate. She is from West Virginia, not Virginia, WEST Virginia. She's 4'11''. She's fun and she's always smiling.
Sarah is from Nevada. She's the tallest one and she rooms with Danielle. Sarah is a really cute person. She's just sweet.
Danielle is from Washington and the craziest of them all, I think. But she gets me, sometimes she knows what I'm thinking just by looking at me. And everytime she sees me, she's like: Hi Nadia! And she keeps track of when I sleep at the apt and when I don't. haha. I wish I slept more at my apartment. I might do it... just for you, Danielle!

You'd think I feel left out, since they are all friends and they know each other pretty well, I am the new one. The one that just appeared. But oddly, I don't feel left out. They are pretty nice to me, I hope they like me. I try to get them to like me. Sometimes it is hard for people to like me, especially girls. I don't really get along with girls, and I don't know why. I guess my personality is too hard to understand or difficult to accept. But my roommates have adopted me. And I love them. I really do. Park Plaza 103 rocks! Except for Danielle... I'm just kidding, I love that crazy girl!
Danielle: Ok, it's Sunday. Let's listen to church music. (Puts "Jesus, take the wheel")
Sarah: That's not church music.
Danielle: But it has the word "Jesus" in it!