
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

About March 12

So, no big deal but...
see this gorgeous piece of jewelry?

All mine!
Trent proposed on Saturday March 12!

This is what he said,
I don't EVER want to forget,
so here it is,
(if it's in italics it means it's sort of what he said but not the exact words)
"Nadia, I've been thinking a lot,
and I decided that I'm a much better person with you,
because you make me a better man,
not just a righteous man, that too.
But everything.
In fact, just being around you makes me better.
And I want to repay the favor,
I don't know if I'm perfect for it,
But I wanna try.
Will you marry me?"

And I said YES!
Because I'm never ever ever EVER 
gonna find someone as special and perfect for me as Trent is.
I love him so much!
I'll update the whole story later.

Thanks to my wonderful soon-to-be sisters-in-law
Erin and Angela Despain!
And my soon-to-be niece Allisyn!

They are the best!
I'm so excited to be part of their family!

Now my Trent and I are happily engaged!