
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

My Stock Market

What do you do when you wanna get something
but there's no stock available?
And you don't know when there will be more.
It might be in 3 months.
But not completely available per se.
It's really frustrating.
Spencer says my stock might be available sooner.
And he wants me to wait.
But considering how impatient I am...
We'll see how long that lasts.

Brenda, Lance and I went to watch Eclipse last night.
Brenda loved it and thinks it's the best movie ever...
--which makes me question her sanity--
I just loved one thing about the movie:


This is me and Bren at the Walt Awards
("Black Tie" Ward Activity)

This is us at the movies!
(Lance bought the tickets for us. Isn't he the best?)

This is me excited to see Jacob.

This is me and Bren super excited!
(She was excited for the movie. I was only excited for the HP7 preview that was on!)

This is us waiting... and taking pictures!