
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

My Proud Incident X (PIX)

I thought working Friday nights would be a breeze.
Who calls on a Friday night, really?
Well tonight, apparently A WHOLE LOT of people.
This one call was super long.
Yea. That long.
Everything that could have gone wrong did.
That only happens to me.
Which is why I got a ticket yesterday.
Just when I decide to speed up a little.
Which I, honestly, never do!
Back to my story about this Internet problem.
I don't know how the Connectivity people do it every day.
I'm not gonna deny it...
I felt so tech-savvy after I got to select the Resolved Status.

And just for fun, I copied what I put in the ticket for your amusement.

Brother Espana called back. I told him to connect the pix to the computer with the console cable and the modem directly to the computer.

CCN ID: 399302

AP MAC Address 001563e50421

Used hyperterminal to activate the pix. For some reason I couldn't ping the pix, so I decided to release and renew the IP address and see if that did anything.

Still no reply from the pix.

I told him to reboot all the devices and then I noticed I could telnet the pix from his computer but not mine. So I did everything from his end. I got the IP of the Pix and also the ip of the AP. I had a hard time finding the config file for his AP because some information was blank on the CCN database so I had to add all of it. I finally was able to save the config file and added the SSID for LDS Access.

User disconnected the ethernet cable and rebooted his machine to make sure the wireless connection was still working.

It says it's connected and it says he has excellent signal but he can't get to the internet. It turns out he was trying to connect to moroni through Odyssey.

I told him to disable Odyssey and to connect to LDS Access.

Fingers crossed.

It asked him for the password but for some reason when I gave it to him, it wouldn't take it. (Talk about frustrating, really!)

It finally took it!

Happy ending to this super long call!

Heck yea.
I did put all of those little side notes in the ticket.
Because I am that cool.