
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

My Hogwarts Letter

Yes, I did get it.
I got my acceptance letter after a whole year of waiting.
And I honestly still can't believe it.


After interviewing you, Peter and I, were both of the opinion that you are exactly the type of agent we want to have on our team. We talked to your supervisors and since they already staffed for next week, if you accept our offer to work for the collaboration team you would start on Monday July 12th.  Please reply with either your acceptance or denial of the offer. 

In my interview, I was asked this question.
--Note: I'm paraphrasing--

"I know you and Sam have a good friendship. Do you think that would keep you from working well?"
"Yea, I'm friends with Sam... and Spencer--I'll just throw him in there. But I was friends with them before the GSD was reorganized and they were my supervisors and I still was a good agent. I was Employee of the Week a couple times. I like to have friends, I'm not gonna lie, but I think that doesn't keep me from working well."

I rocked it, didn't I?
I could die today and I would die happy.
I finally did it.
I finally got it.
It's your fault International Team for never making me second level.
I'm on my way of becoming a wizard.

12 days to go!