Day 25 - A picture of your day.
This is what happened yesterday.
Trent and I are not very into shopping.
He's a boy.
And I hate shopping for clothes.
I love shoe shopping though.
Trent and I needed new jeans, and shoes, and shirts.
Our jeans are ripped, our shirts are old and our shoes are falling apart.
Our jeans are ripped, our shirts are old and our shoes are falling apart.
So we went shopping.
We shopped for him first.
He got two new pairs of jeans, a really cute shirt and shoes.
He got two new pairs of jeans, a really cute shirt and shoes.
And I got two new pairs of jeans, two shirts, two camis and two pairs of flats.
Yay for new clothes!
Yay for new clothes!
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Trent took me to Oregon on MLK's Day Weekend.
He took me to a bookstore because he said he used to go there a lot.
I love books.
And when I go to bookstores I just lose myself surrounded by all the books.
We were having a lot of fun there.
Then Trent asked me, "Do you like the books here?"
I said, "I love books."
Trent said, "Pick one that you want to take home with you."
My eyes went wide open and I asked, "Really?"
He smiled and I started looking for THE book.
After a lot of browsing...
And a lot of "I'm sorry I'm taking so long" comments...
I found "I am Number Four."
I showed it to Trent and after I said that was the one I wanted,
he said it sounded so interesting he wanted to read it too.
When I showed my roommate Brianna the book she said,
"That has a movie coming out, doesn't it?"
I didn't know that when I chose it.
School hasn't given me time to read it yet.
But I was so happy that Trent bought me a book.
Even though it might not seem like the ultimate romantic thing,
it meant a lot to me.
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