
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

About Babies

If you know me,
then you know I love babies.
I love babysitting.

Babies make me think of innocence,
of little spirits up there waiting to come down to a loving family.
Babies need taking care of,
and they are so helpless they need us.

Babies make me feel useful.
I like being there for people,
I like taking care of babies,
they appreciate everything you do.

And when they smile at you.
It's like heaven.

These are my two favorite babies in the world.


He's my friend Sam's baby.
I first babysat Jay when he was just over a month old.
I thought he was the cutest baby I had ever seen.
We've been friends since then.
I've loved watching him grow.
He's walking now!
He's about to be 11 months old.
(In like 9 days)

And this is my new favorite girl.
Cute little Allisyn.

She's Trent's niece.
We babysit her every Tuesday.
And I look forward to those days.
I love being around babies.
I love it when they just smile at you.
Alli is 5 months old.
(Her half-birthday is in like 17 days!)

I usually don't steal pictures but
you need to see Alli smiling.
It's so cute.
So thanks Erin for letting me borrow this picture.
Even though you won't know until you read this post
and see your daughter in it.

Now back to my Shakespeare book.
I should have been reading Othello,
but no, I get distracted and write about babies.
I'm bad.


Erin Despain said...

I love this post! :) And I totally don't mind that you "borrowed" a picture from my blog. I mean, that picture is absolutely adorable, after all. I'm glad you like Allisyn so much. She likes you just as much. :)