
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

About Day 1 of the 60 Day Challenge

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

  1. I love books.
  2. My boyfriend gave me a promise ring so guys wouldn't flirt with me.
  3. I have yellow footie pajamas with crazy monkeys on it.
  4. I've been making babies on lately.
  5. I eat body wash bubbles.
  6. I want to get liposuction.
  7. My first baby's name will be Aidan Jace.
  8. I love watching the show "Dexter." It feeds my inner crazy.
  9. Sometimes I just want to get married.
  10. I will never say no to ice cream.
  11. Cuddling is one of my favorite things to do.
  12. My boyfriend told me a story about a conejito and ever since it's been my favorite bedtime story.
  13. I know the Moulin Rouge dialogue by heart.
  14. I have two different toes.
  15. My boyfriend loves me!