This is a long post.
With tons of pictures.
I turned 22. Yes, 22.
It was my golden birthday.
And I had the best birthday party I could have ever asked for.
Everything was just perfect.
My wonderful roommate Bri made me a Snickers cake.
This is a really pretty roommate picture.
Jane and I are the coolest roommates ever.
Blowing 22 candles!
Bri said "picture" and Trent did this.
Bri and I. I love this girl. She's the sweetest.
Everybody decided to bend down so I wouldn't look so short.
Trent kinda took it way too far. lol.
Can't really get a decent picture with this guy.
We all went swimming after.
First time I look good after getting out of the pool.
Isn't she such a cute burrito?
Perfect day!
I love my roommates who made it all possible.
We'll skip it.
Thursday was a weird day.
Exciting for sure, but weird.
I got to finally babysit again.
And I always get cute pictures when I'm with Jay.
He makes me look good.
This is my favorite of all the ones we took.
He's like "What is this girl doing?"
He's so drooly.
I can't believe this is the baby I babysat when he was just a month old.
I taught him how to take pictures.
Isn't this picture precious?
We look so cute!
He's got the bluest eyes.
I want my own kid...
Jay in the jumperoo.
After playing and taking pictures, he's finally ready for bed.
Wait! One last picture!
Danielle came to visit me from West Jordan.
And she brought me this.
She made it!
Isn't it awesome?
I kinda don't wanna eat it.
It's so beautiful.
Also, yesterday I got a sweet new phone.
It's a touch screen but it has a keyboard and I love the keyboard.
Plus, it's purple.
I love it!
And today, I wrote a song.
To check it out, go here.
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