"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy,
the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
C.S. Lewis
This is no secret. That I am sick in my mind.
Some disorders that I take meds for.
I like to think my mind was made for another world.
A better world.
And I'm just here passing by.
It's a pit-stop.
Kind of a long one.
I like to think my mind is powerful.
That I have these disorders because only I can take them all together.
God knows how strong I am.
How I can control my mind.
How I have the potential to destroy the ring*.
Not because I'm as innocent as a hobbit.
But because I'm as strong as a hobbit.
And I believe the Lord, like Frodo believed Gandalf.
That they need to be destroyed?
Maybe not.
That I need them to grow and destroy my pride.
I believe so.
I am sick in my mind.
But it's like being sick in the stomach.
You take medication.
And live a normal life.
And honestly, ever since I got diagnosed,
I see the hand of the Lord in everything I do.
He cares for me.
He sends people to me.
He makes me happy.
And that's why I love him.
Even when he sends me the hardest trials.
(*) Reference to the Lord of the Rings.
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