
Daisypath Vacation tickers

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My ADHD Moment

I can't focus.
I should be paying attention to class but I can't.
I know I should try.
I'm just posting some pictures.
Just because I can.

Me, Jane and Bri

Jane, Bri and I
(Holy mackarel! I'm sooo brown!)

 Bri's friends, Bri, Jane and I

Jane's friend, Jane, Christine, Bri and I

This is an ADHD moment 
because I'm supposed to be paying attention to my class!
O well.
These are my goals for the semester.
(Baby steps people!)
- Write on my journal every night.
- Scripture study every day.
- Set aside at least an hour daily to work on my novel.

That's about it.
I should try to focus now.

(while not paying attention to another class)
Prof. Eastley, please meet him first

I love him! This is the second class I'm taking from him!
He has us reading "Midnight's Children"
Everybody is wondering about the title of the book,
because we still don't understand what's up.
When we were leaving he said:

"I know you all wanna know who the Midnight Children are.
Don't worry. They're coming."

Talk about creepy.
The book is not a horror.
But he made it sound like one.