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My Matthew Shepard Story

On October 6, 1998 Matthew Shepard was attacked by Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson in Laramie, WY. Matt Shepard was a 21-year-old UW student who happened to be gay. He was beaten up with the butt of McKinney's gun, tied up to a fence and left for dead. He was found 18 hours later and he was in a coma. He remained in the coma for 6 days and finally died on October 12 in a hospital in Fort Collins, CO.

I bought the book Judy Shepard (Matthew's mom) wrote called The Meaning of Matthew: My Son's Murder in Laramie and a World Transformed and read it all in only a day and it already made its way to my favorite books list. It's a great book.

I have done so much research on the Matthew Shepard case, and believe it or not Mormons are mentioned a lot in it. The doctor that treated Matthew in Colorado graduated from BYU. The Senator that approved and supported the Matthew Shepard act was a Mormon, and not too good but still Mormon related, Russell Henderson was a Mormon. He was inactive and obviously got excommunicated from the Church after Shepard's murder.

Both McKinney and Henderson are serving life sentences without the possibility of parole.

Judy Shepard is now an activist fighting for gay rights.

What is my say on the matter? I believe gay people are still people and should get every right that straight people have. I do not agree with gay marriage though, when I say rights, I mean every right stated in the US Constitution.

How has this affected my life? I want to go to Law School. One of my goals is to take the LSAT this year.