
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

My Random Notes

This is true.

I'm in bed. Sick. I feel like crap. No idea what's going on either. My mom says it's my poor nutrition. I eat, I promise. I just don't eat healthy enough, so she says I'm lacking vitamins. Note to self: Buy Multi Vitamins Supplement.

Oh, college. And the life of a college student that thinks she can handle 15 credits, 20 hours of work, 4 hours of daily reading and 2 hours of daily writing give or take-- plus a social life and at least a daily hour of Dexter. Too much for one tiny person like me.

But... things like these make me happy.

I know I'm obsessed with Britt and Kyle, but they're just lovely together...

Nice notes I received from guys in my ward. That made me happy too. I need to send some next week.