
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Welcome to my life

Currently listening: Your Eyes Don't Lie by David Archuleta
I just realized how I am so stupid sometimes, how every awkward situation happens only in my mind, and how I tend to make everything harder than it has to be. I'll fix it. I just need to play it. I am finally keeping my thoughts from people. Nobody knows what happens in my little head. Nobody knows me that well. And I don't trust anyone completely.

Danielle is going to Idaho tomorrow. She doesn't know how much I'll miss her this weekend. She's always there for me, ready to listen and ready to never let me cry. Or if I'm crying, she's always there to hug me and say Let's go for a walk. Walks are good for me, they clear up my head. I never thought I would get to befriend roommates but Danielle has won me over. This weekend will be more than depressing without her.

Sometimes I wish people knew what goes on with me. How hard it is for me to smile. How I always want to cry. How I am dying a little every day. How I want to go back to where I come from. If people knew me. If they really did. If they could see the real me. But no one will, no one will ever know me. Welcome to my life, because this is as far as you'll go.


Danielle said...

Nadia did I ever tell you I love you? I don't know what I would do if you weren't put in my life! I am ALWAYS here for you!!! <3 you!

oh and my email so you can add me is :)

Anonymous said...

basurexxx! porque leo cosas tragicas ... noooooooooooo!!!