7 years ago
Go Away
Posted by
on Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Blow off
My sister has decided to move to Park Plaza, not only to the complex but to my ward as well. Talk about hating something. I need space, I need my own little world, and she is not part of that little world. It was the same thing when she wanted to apply for my job and she asked me if she could, I said no, my work is my happy place, the only place where I can be myself and where actually being myself is a good thing. She didn't care about me saying no, she went ahead and applied. I know it sounds bad to say it but was I happy when I found out they wouldn't take her. Now she is moving to my ward. And I asked her, I begged her not to move, but she is so selfish she won't listen. I don't want to see her. I don't want to talk to her. I know it must sound like I hate her, but I don't. I just know that her presence is not good for me, it has never been good for me to have her close. She brings out the worst part of me. Being her sister has always been a challenge for me. Having her close has always been unbearable. When we are apart we are pretty good friends, but being close kills everything. And now she is back again. Back to haunt me. Like a nightmare from which I will never wake up.
darling i get you. lets talk lots when i get home.
Younger sisters always wanna do what older sister do but it is because they admired us and love us so much... ;) I'm sure she is doing this sin ninguna mala intencion...
you're crazy, you should love your sister. What would happen if your sister read this? shame on you
Dear Anonymous aka Bryce. We have already settled for this post as funny, you know what Sam said and Brian laughed too. So don't give me that crap. That said, I still love you "sexy" Bryce.
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