
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

2 hours

I am running on 2 hours of sleep. I know. Crazy. Against all odds I think I aced my ISys Online Exam. It was all sort of complicated Excel crap and Visual Basic, but my name is not Nadia Reategui for nothing. I was born smart. Accounting was alright I guess, I got an 88 on my first test and I got another 88 on this last one. So all-nighters really work, for me that is.

Somehow, I always find time to blog. I saw Jason on campus tonight, he called me dear, I just thought it was funny. I saw James tonight too. On another note, I was thinking about September 2006-January 2007. I don't even know why. I buried the memories of those months, I shouldn't be digging on them anymore. It's not good for me.

And now it's time for a shoutout: Gaytri, congrats on getting a boyfriend! I told you, you are too pretty to be alone. Leave that to ugly girls like me. My eyes are failing me. I am off. Good Night.


Anonymous said...

wuuuuuuuuuuu shka, quien es Jason ?... y James ? ... no entender .. tu vida es un toque confusa. Pero bien ahi =)