
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

My Letter to A Friend Vol.1 Iss.2

Thursdays are going to be letters-to-friends (LTF) days.
This one goes for a wonderful friend that understands me very well.
A friend that I know I can talk to.
A friend that makes me laugh.
A friend that makes me feel like I'm important.

Dear Friend,

Thanks for being ready to text me back. Thanks for always giving me nice comments and for making me feel that I have made a difference in your life. I haven't known you for too long but I'm so grateful for you. You were definitely an answer to my prayers. I feel so at ease when I talk to you and I feel like I can tell you anything. You are so beautiful and so like me that whenever I see you I can't help but wonder how I was so lucky to become one of your friends. Thanks for being such an amazing friend and for making me feel like I'm also a blessing in your life. Sometimes I just need to feel there's someone in the world who cares about me--someone who likes me and someone who will value me for who I am and not for who I can't be. If I try extra hard to not show how messed up I am inside is because I want to be someone you want to have around you. I guess what I want to say is thanks for being you.
