
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

My Super Yucky Summer

Yes, it's been 4 years since I took classes Spring and Summer. Actually Spring/Summer 2006 were my first terms ever in college since I got accepted to BYU for those terms. I took about 5 credits I believe--I took Spanish, so it wasn't too bad-- and now I'm up to 9.

Nine hard credits, because I have exactly one more year at BYU and it's time to complete those GEs I've been postponing--American Heritage, Physical Science and History 201. I'm just taking AHtg this Spring term, along with Econ 110 and Eng 374--which is Literature of the Romantic Period--yea, level 3 class. Sort of hard. The three of them together are just hardcore. I'm behind on my reading already. Yea. That's how bad it is.

This is so weird to say but I'm so ready to get married. I'm sick of roommates. Now this may be just because my current roommate is driving me crazy and because home is not home anymore--a house is not a home--or because in 3 days I get to go to Britt & Kyle's reception and I'm super excited! I finally finished their surprise and I really hope they like it. But yea, I wanna get married. I only need to find a guy that wishes to marry me. (Not too hard, is it?)


B said...

I love that you have a label for Kyle and I. Can't wait to see you!