
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Escaping The World part I

This is a free form essay I have decided to write. It's mainly for me. It helps me in the long run to read what I write.

Through the years I have noticed there are two things I love and always will. Books and TV. Why do I love them so much? Because they are my way of escaping. Escaping the world that I don't really love. My life is not perfect, it's pretty good and I'm usually happy but sometimes I just feel bad about it.

All I wanna do today is watch TV. This time I have chosen Gossip Girl. I like escaping, because when I don't like the world I live in, there's always a book or a TV show I can enter and be part of. A world that no matter how messed up it may be, I enjoy being a part of... because in the end, there's always a happy ending in store and I know it'll come.

To be continued...