
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Update 1

I made rice krispies treats for FHE. I'm such a gringa.

So I couldn't find plain ones. Sue me.

Beautiful bruise after falling from my Blind. I fell a day before coming down to Peru.

I think I am in love with it

O, I'm loving Peru. I''m loving the food and my mom's teaching me more delicious things to make. I miss Provo though, my friend Aaron was on my dream last night. Out of everybody, it was Aaron. I would have expected it to be # but no. I miss my friends. But I promise you all, when I come back you will not know what happened to the old Nadia.

New Slang (Album) - The Shins

On the flight home, I watched Garden State, it was an okay movie but the soundtrack was awesome, and I loved the ending as well so I'm posting it here for your entertainment. O, yeah, Zach Braff's in it, and he directed it too. =)


Steven said...

well, at least your update your blog. hahaha