
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Yes, I am Peruvian

I have always thought words hurt much more than actions. There are some things I hate, one of them is feeling inferior because of my race. There is nothing worse than feeling less of a person because of the color of my skin or the language I speak.

Yes, I am Peruvian. I was born and raised in Peru. And yes, I speak Spanish. I am not ashamed of it. My parents are the best people in the world and they have done everything to make me feel loved and to give me all I've ever needed and wanted. That is why I am here.

I am not so easily hurt, but there are a couple things that will always cut deep. Jokes about my skin, my race, my accent, and making me feel stupid. I am not stupid. I am smart enough to come here and try to create a future for myself in a place I had never lived in before, alone.

I have a job and I have school, I have assignments and they are all in English, and I work my way through them. I am not stupid. Don't make me feel stupid. Don't make fun of me to hurt me. People lose so many things for not controlling their own mouths.