
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

About late feelings

I feel like a fatty.
I don't like how anything fits me anymore.
I don't feel pretty no matter how much I try to look pretty.
I don't know what's wrong.
But I feel disgusting.
Nothing looks good on me anymore!

I need to lose 20 pounds.
Maybe more like 30 but 20 will do for now.

I think maybe going back to HCG would be the best thing to do.
I did lose weight while I was on it.


Erin Despain said...

Nadia, you are so far from being fat! And you look gorgeous every time I see you. So don't even say you don't feel pretty! Because you are.

I'm trying to lose all my pregnancy weight (plus some) and it's not going too well. :(

Maybe you and I could try to exercise together sometimes, nothing too strenuous or time consuming, though. It would help both of us out, even though you totally look amazing and don't need to lose anything.

(Hopefully you don't think it's weird that I read your blog. I like it a lot-good job!)
Just a thought. Hope you have a great day! :)

Nadia said...

Erin, you are so sweet! Thanks!

I'm so bad at working out but I would totally be up for it if I had a buddy ;)

And I'm happy you read my blog. I read yours too! I love the videos of Allisyn!