
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

My Prep Day

I think I'm gonna be a good mom.
Heck, I'm gonna be a great mom.
I love babies.
If I love someone else's baby so much...
Imagine how much I will love my own babies.

Will they be as cute as little Jay?
That's debatable!
Because Jameson's the cutest baby EVER!

These are some of our pictures together.
Thanks Sam and Nikki for making my day by letting me babysit!!!!
It's always the highlight of my day.

I almost wish I weren't flying to Peru this Tuesday...
just to babysit him again!!

=) Aww!!!

He has a tight grip.

Look at that cute little smile!

Probably one of my favorite pictures!

His face in this one is priceless!